Performance Carbide has reached agreements with a new base group of suppliers to allow for higher availability and probability of supplying our end user with the needed tools they require. Our focus is to continue to provide the products and services our customers have grown to appreciate from Performance Carbide, as well as grow on that success by adding to our tooling repertoire. Please take a moment to view some of our new tooling partners. Feel free to contact your regional sales representative for more information.

(HP carbide tools)

(spline milling tools)

(drills, taps, endmills, etc)

(cutting tools)

(HP cutting tools)

(HP carbide tools)

(off-standard / special taps)

(thread milling experts)

(HP carbide tools)

(tool holders)
Thank you for your time and consideration. As we move forward, we would like to help our customers even more with our added services. Again, please feel free to contact your Performance Carbide regional sales representative for more information.